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Clinton Joke

Added 11/17/1999
President Clinton got together with some of his golf buddies for a round. When they got ready to tee off on hole No. 1, Clinton removed his golf jacket and revealed that he had ...


Added 11/17/1999
... THINGS ON WHICH TO PONDER: * Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grand. * Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good. * Talk is cheap because ...

Turkey's revenge

Added 11/17/1999
turkey's revenge

20 Useful Expressions for High-Stress Days

Added 11/16/1999
20 Useful Expressions for High-Stress Days 1. Well, aren't we just a ray of f_cking sunshine? 2. Not the brightest crayon in the box now, are we? 3. A hard-on doesn't ...

Smart blonde joke

Added 11/16/1999
A Blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank ...

Job Woes

Added 11/14/1999
The San Francisco Zoo has an elephant named Calle who has a chronic illness, requiring medication. The zoo people couldn't get Calle to take her dose orally, so a California ...

Happy Halloween

Added 11/12/1999
Happy Halloween A couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween party. She got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted ...

Thought for the day 2

Added 11/10/1999
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only ...


Added 11/9/1999
Prayer for the Stressed God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I cannot accept, And the wisdom to hide the bodies ...

Mandarin Airlines

Added 11/9/1999
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing to fly with Mandarin Airlines." As we taxi out to the runway please make yourself comfortable... and for those of you sitting on ...

Three Labrador Retrievers

Added 11/8/1999
Three Labrador Retrievers - a brown, yellow and black - are sitting in the waiting room at the vet's office when they strike up a conversation. The black lab turns to the brown ...

Trivial knowledge

Added 11/8/1999
Some Things You Probably Didn't Learn In School Or College: The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Coca Cola ...


Added 11/5/1999
A drunk walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Bartender, buy everyone in the house a drink, pour yourself one, and give me the bill." So, the bartender does just that and ...

The origin of company policy

Added 11/3/1999
Setting Company Policy........ Start with a cage containing five apes. In the cage, hang a banana on a string and put stairs under it. Before long, an ape will go to the stairs ...

The Pretzel

Added 11/3/1999
Our story begins at the Olympics, specifically the wrestling event. It is narrowed down to the Russian or the American for the gold medal. Before the final match, the American ...

The route

Added 11/2/1999
Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speeding drivers, a State Police Officer sees a car puttering along at 22 MPH. He thinks to himself, "This driver is just as ...

Comprehending Engineers

Added 10/30/1999
Some of you have voiced that Engineers are a different breed....Perhaps the following will help you understand us..... Comprehending Engineers - Take One Two engineering ...


Added 10/27/1999
How to wash the cat: 1. Thoroughly clean the toilet. 2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water-a strong industrial solvent often works best-and lift both ...


Added 10/25/1999
Two guys are bungee-jumping one day. The first guy says to the second, "You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico." The second guy ...

You Know Your From Michigan

Added 10/25/1999
You know you are from Michigan when: - You own only three spices - salt, pepper and ketchup - You design your Halloween costumes to fit over a snowsuit - You have more ...

IT Phases

Added 10/21/1999
Phases of Life for an IT Professional  Phase 1: As a Junior Programmer you're in awe of how smart your superiors and colleagues are.  Phase 2: As a Mid-level Programmer you ...

Office Inspirational Posters

Added 10/19/1999
TOP 20 SAYINGS WE'D LIKE TO SEE ON THOSE OFFICE INSPIRATIONAL POSTERS: * Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed ...


Added 10/19/1999
REASONS WHY TRICK OR TREATING IS BETTER THAN SEX 10) You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack. 9) If you get tired, you can wait 10 minutes and go ...


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