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Happy Holidays Everyone... That's Right, I Said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

by Curtis Wiggins

(I'll keep this one short and light, I promise.  And there's a joke at the end.)

I don't know, maybe I'm crazy but... When someone says to me "Happy Holidays", I don't assume they are trying to insult my faith.  I don't think they are pushing some kind of liberal atheist agenda.  I don't believe they are trying to tear down the fabric of western society.  I just think it's a friendly greeting, and they are just trying to be nice.

By the same token...

I may be crazy but... When someone says to me "Merry Christmas", I don't believe they are trying to push their right-wing Christian agenda on me.  I don't think they are intolerant of other faiths, or are xenophobic, or that they hate the Jews.  I just think it's a friendly greeting, and they are just trying to be nice.

On the other hand...

When someone says to me "Seasons Greetings", I think of this little cartoon I saw where these little bottles of garlic, parsley, and oregano were all saying "hi" to each other.  And that makes me smile.


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