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News of the Day

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News, current events, general weirdness - ripped from today's headlines

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Important Safety Tip

Thursday, October 26, 2023   (2 posts)
Never take a compressed air hose and stick it up your ass.  Or anyone else's ass, for that matter. Full story: 

Quote of the Day

Thursday, September 18, 2003   (2 posts)
"I love ice cream so much that I can't imagine life without it." - Anastasia Volochkova, a larger-than-average ballerina formerly with the Bolshoi ...

Irony (telemarketers don't like unwanted calls)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021   (1 post)
A telemarketing association is not answering their phone due to too many unsolicited calls.  Who do we have to thank for this wonderful turn of ...

Quote of the Day

Thursday, September 11, 2003   (1 post)
"Come on, dog meat is so delicious. The Vietnamese and Koreans love to eat dog meat." - Kep Chuktema, City governor of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, urging his ...

Manbottle Sighting

seen on SPORTSbyBROOKS website... (The link in the first section - the one about Alec Baldwin)

Shipped home

A homesick shipping clerk decided to surprise his parents by shipping himself home - via air freight. "He violated the law of stupidity if nothing else", said ...

Opus Returns!

Quote of the Day (sort of)

Tuesday, September 9, 2003   (1 post)
"I believed it was important to a little girl's self-esteem to play with a doll that has breasts." - Ruth Handler, inventor of the Barbie doll.

Barbie's Jewish?

Tuesday, September 9, 2003   (1 post)
Well, okay, I always knew she was a bit of a princess, but for some reason I always thought she was a WASP.  Now I know better. According to Saudi ...

Quote of the Day

Monday, September 8, 2003   (1 post)
"The knowledge of death and fear of death informs my existence. It's a safe, kind of cheerful way of dealing with that issue." - Warren Zevon.  ...

Quote of the Day

Friday, September 5, 2003   (1 post)
"I think I mentioned to Bob I could make love for eight hours. What I didn't say was that this included four hours of begging and then dinner and a movie." ...

Donald Kaufman Lives!

I received this today from Paul Klenk, found of the Donald Kaufman Fan Club... Join the Original Donald Kaufman Fan Club! We have over eighty members, ...

Quote (Backpeddle) of the Day

Thursday, September 4, 2003   (1 post)
"I am an American. I love my country and have great hopes for it." - Johnny Depp, who suddenly realized he has one movie in theaters now and another ...

This photo could give you nightmares

This recent photo of Rosie O'Donnell and Boy George is one of the most frightening I've seen in a long time.  (Rosie is the one on the left.)

Quote of the Day - from the Drill Bit Guy

"I ran my hands up the drill bit, up to my eye, and put my other hand in the back of my head and felt it coming through the back of my head, and that's ...

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Monday, July 31, 2023   (16 posts)
Apparently there is a shortage of bugle players to play Taps at military funerals.  (Who knew?)  So a New York based company has invented a ...

This is Really Cool

New amphibious sports car from Britain... Full story:

Quote of the Day

Saturday, May 8, 2004   (3 posts)
"America is dumb." - Johnny Depp

Website Pick - Beloit mindset list for the class of 2007

Important Tip - Know What You're Stealing

Saturday, August 7, 2021   (3 posts)
An unidentified Wisconsin man was arrested Wednesday after he stole an electronic device left outside a woman's home, according to USAToday.  He ...

Quote of the Day

Sunday, July 21, 2024   (10 posts)
"You should be able to just sell stuff without having something that you don't know you're supposed to be having." - Mikaela Ziegler, age 7, whose ...

Website Pick - Holiday Inn Towel Amnesty

Saturday, October 23, 2021   (1 post)
"About the towels, we forgive you." Holiday Inn is collecting stories about their missing towels.  For each story they will donate $1 to charity. ...


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