News of the Day
News, current events, general weirdness - ripped from today's headlines
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Of all the ideas for blocking spam, challenge/response is one of the worst. Check the links at the bottom to see why. We receive a fair amount of email ...
Thursday, May 31, 2007 (1 post)
"A lot of the routine stuff we do can be done by really talented people in another time zone at much lower wages." - James Macpherson, editor and publisher of ...
Friday, December 19, 2008 (1 post)
These are fun...
After a little digging in the archives, I found the old Joke-of-the-Day still works (sort of). It's "not ready for prime time", but still a fun diversion... Joke of the Day
"Much of my work has come from being lazy." -- John Backus, developer of FORTRAN, the first successful high-level programming language. Backus passed away March 17, 2007.
Okay, it's way too late for last year, and too early for this year, but... I'm not going to remember this six months from now, so I thought I should bookmark it now. Festivus Recipies!
Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after police found him on the streets of the capital blind drunk and wearing nothing but bondage gear... Full Story:
Saturday, May 11, 2019 (2 posts)
(or, There's no such thing as a free lunch) The cost of everything, at least everything we can buy, including food, is directly related to the cost of energy. If you start turning corn into fuel, you add an extra dimension to this relatio
There are two kinds of people, those who watch "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", and those who do not. Boston-area members of the latter group were seriously freaked out today. In what sounds like it could be a plot-line from the show itself, Boston
Saturday, December 16, 2006 (1 post)
I was just watching the "100 Greatest TV Quotes and Catchphrases" on TVLand. They got to the part about Welcome Back Kotter, a show with possibly the most inane catchphrases ever created for the television viewing public. As I'm watching
Friday, February 9, 2007 (4 posts)
You know what really bothers me! Standing in line at f_cking Star Bucks, that’s what! Now a days, everybody and his f_cking brother is slurping down latte's, carmel machiatoes. and other pussy drinks. Used to be, before Star Bucks stoked Americas addi
Friday, February 23, 2007 (1 post)
The Day George Almost Lit Off The Big One As told by Bernie Miller ; Presidential Janitor One day I go into the Oval office and that stupid son-of-a-bitch is sitting behind his desk sweating bullets, looking up at me like I’d just caught him
just in time for the holidays... the most addicting web game ever!
"It's clear the Democrat Party had a good night." -- President George W. Bush
They now have a bra which converts into a shopping bag. Yes, a bra. Yes, presto-chango, it becomes a shopping bag. Why such a thing is necessary I have no idea...
Sunday, October 22, 2006 (1 post)
Many of you who are regular visitors here know that there are a number of features that did not make the transition from the old site to the new site. (Not the least of which is the weekly trivia.) We had planned to implement these over the
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 (1 post)
... and yes, it is Christmas at Costco. (In August, we're literally just a few weeks away from achieving the mythical Christmas in July.) Anyhow, I saw something on my way out that made me think... It is truly a strange and ...
Friday, September 1, 2006 (1 post)
"A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family." -- David Kesting, director of the Capla Kesting gallery in New York, which currently has on display a bronze sculpture of the first poop produced by ...
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