The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  Trivia  :  Popular  :  U.S. Robotics  :  ANSWER


The company got its name from "I, Robot", a collection of short stories by Isaac Asimov. In these short stories, the robots were manufactured by a company called "U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men".

U.S. Robotics, the real company, was founded in 1976 by Casey Cowell, and was never involved in the manufacture of robots. It was co-founders Stephen Muka and Tom Rossen, both science fiction fans, who suggested the name "U.S. Robotics".

WHO GOT IT RIGHT:  John Judge, Bob Milligan, Marc Quinlivan, Marika Thiessen, JP Weigt, Linda Ging, David Krum, and Jim Ahumada.

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