The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  Trivia  :  Popular  :  Man on the Moon  :  ANSWER


Eugene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, was the last man to set foot on the moon.

Gene Cernan quotes:

"To me, it was like sitting on God's back porch, looking back home."

"Apollo 17 is what I called the end of the beginning, and the beginning is somewhat delayed right now."

"I keep telling people today under the dashboard of your car is more technology than we had in the Apollo spacecraft."

"It's a little disappointing and a dubious honor to be the last man to walk on the Moon."

"Our exploration of space is not an option - it's an absolute necessity. Curiosity is the essence of human existence."

WHO GOT IT RIGHT:  Pete Daggett, Ryan Scannell, Marc Quinlivan, JP Weigt, Andie J, Iron Saul, Bob Milligan, Marika Thiessen, Allan Christensen, Kathi Reynolds, Matthew Toups, Heikki Leväniemi, Mark Collins, and David Evans.

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