The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  Trivia  :  Popular  :  Barbie Dolls  :  ANSWER


Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.

The Mattel company began in 1945 when Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold "Matt" Matson formed a company to make picture frames. As a side business they began making dollhouse furniture with the leftover scraps of wood. In short time Matson sold out, and the Handlers turned the focus of the company to making toys. In 1959 Ruth Handler developed the Barbie doll, inspired by her daughter Barbara's love of playing with cut-out paper dolls. Originally Mattel had no need for a last name for Barbie; that came about when Golden Books (Random House) began publishing a series of Barbie books under license from Mattel.

In case you were wondering, Ken's last name is Carson.

WHO GOT IT RIGHT:  Denise McDonald, JP Weigt, Ryan Scannell, Scott Nilius, Robert Walker, Marc Quinlivan, SjB, Trish Boggs, Marika Thiessen, Tom Mawhinney, Luz Velasco, Scott Flaxman, Kathi Reynolds, Bob Milligan, Robin Campbell, Maria Eckley, Joe Pitsonbarger, Tony Duplechin, Kyle Zblewski, and Caroline Magee.

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