The Manbottle Library


It means "come by here". The song "Kumbaya" originated in South Carolina as a Gullah spiritual, sometime around the 1920's. Gullah is a blend of English and African languages that developed among the slave communities on the islands off the South Carolina coast near Charleston. The phrase "kumbaya" in Gullah is really just a heavily accented version of the English phrase "come by here". American missionaries took the song to Africa in the 1930's, where it was later "rediscovered" in Angola in the 1950's, leading many to believe that the song had its origins in Angola.

WHO GOT IT RIGHT:  Wil Faulkner, Marc Quinlivan, Bob Milligan, Sarah, Robin Campbell, Trish Boggs, JP Weigt, Linda Ging, Kristy Morgan, Corey Tracey, Yanitz Grinell, James Forsyth, Rick Benchoff, and Jon Dueck.

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