The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  Audio  :  Hey Osama (the song)

Hey Osama (the song)

by Michael Everitt


GibsonDove Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 12:23 AM

Thank you for allowing my tune to be posted on your site.  I served in the USofA Navy and have pretty strong beliefs in this country.  Do we have everything right?  Of course not.  Are we trying to get everything right?  You bet your Butt!

I love the USofA second only to my family.  We are an example to the world.  I am incredibly humbled to have been born and reared here.  I would die for my family.. and for my country... In  that order...
Nothing more... Nothing less.

GibsonDove... aka Michael~