The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  New  :  Hillary Special

Hillary Special

Hillary Special

Important Disclaimer

This page, like most of The Manbottle Library website, is a work of parody, and is not real.

This page does not in any way reflect the position or opinion of the management and staff of the KFC Corporation, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., its affiliates, shareholders, or customers.

The Manbottle Library and Wiggins Professional Services, Inc. are not associated or affiliated in any way with KFC Corporation, the Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., or its affiliates.

To the best of our knowledge, Hillary Clinton is not associated or affiliated in any way with KFC Corporation, the Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., or its affiliates.

KFC and the "Colonel Sanders" image are registered trademarks of the KFC Corporation, a unit of Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc.

No chickens were harmed in the production of this webpage.

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See the story behind the disclaimer

Kevin Slater Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 8:14 PM

I wanted you to know this KFC is actually located on South Main Street in Elkhart, Indiana, 46515. It was the work of my brother a few years ago. He then sent it to some politacal websites and some of his family members. The rest is history. The brick building in the back ground is a Bar/Restuarant called Hunters Place. The adress for the bar is 2703 S. Main. If you run a google earth you will see the KFC directly south of the bar. The addres for the  KFC is 2709 S. Main Elkhart, IN. For furhter proof the intersection is Hively and Main Streets. On the Google Earth you can even see how the sign and even shrubs line up for the photo.He recently heard about it on the Mike Galliger radio talk show and we were quite surprised. There have been others since but this is the original prank and picture.

Curtis Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 1:46 AM

Kevin -- Thanks for the update!

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