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News, current events, general weirdness - ripped from today's headlines

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Brits new plan to stop vandalism

Thursday, June 20, 2002   (1 post)
The British came up with a new plan to stop vandalism at a remote train station in southern England.  According to the AP, their plan was to install ...

Square Watermelons from Japan

Hey, they save space... [IMAGE]

The truth about the Colorado wildfire...

Monday, June 17, 2002   (2 posts)
This year's wildfire in Colorado is one of history's worst.  So far it has burned over 100,000 acres, destroyed 22 homes, displaced over 5,000 ...

Candidate for "Understatement of the Year"

Monday, June 17, 2002   (1 post)
"We wanted to thank every tourist who comes here to support us, as not everyone comes these days." - spokeswoman for the Israeli Tourism Ministry.  ...

What are the odds?

Saturday, June 15, 2002   (1 post)
According to Reuters, there is a new trend in Israeli gambling - betting on the location of the next suicide bomber.  Bookmakers set odds for each city ...


Friday, June 14, 2002   (2 posts)
McDonald's in Hawaii is now serving SPAM for breakfast.  Apparently they really like SPAM there - Hawaiians eat four times the national average.  ...


Tuesday, June 11, 2002   (1 post)
Greek television channel Private Star reported that a woman was riding a motorcycle when she suddenly had a strange feeling in her ear.  Later, she went to ...

It is now legal to bark in Norway

Tuesday, June 11, 2002   (1 post)
(I never realized this was an issue...) OSLO, Norway - A Norwegian court has ruled that it is legal to bark in public even for human beings.   The ...

Cats in public office...

Tuesday, June 11, 2002   (1 post)
LONDON (AP) - The House of Commons may get a pet.   Alarmed by an invasion of mice, British lawmakers filed a petition Tuesday for a cat to patrol the ...

Hey mom... a whale followed me home, can I keep it?

Tuesday, May 21, 2002   (1 post)
Remember the movie "Free Willy" about the killer whale he was eventually set free by a little boy?  Ever wonder what happened to the real whale?  ...

Ever wonder what's left of a suicide bomber?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020   (2 posts)
warning - this is a little on the graphic side... click here for picture

Picture of a naked chicken

Thursday, September 21, 2006   (1 post)
[IMAGE] genetically engineered by Israeli scientists to have no ...

Odd Couple

US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and U2's Bono are travelling together across Africa, on a fact-finding mission.  And, no, I have no idea how ...

California Republican of the Year

Tuesday, May 21, 2002   (1 post)
The AP reports that the honor this year goes to Covina City Council member Tom Palmeri.  Ordinarily, that would not be so unusual, except for one thing - ...

Ancient Roman Transvestites

Wednesday, May 22, 2002   (1 post)
LONDON (Reuters) - The remains of a young Roman man who dressed as a woman and probably castrated himself show a previously unknown side of Britain's ...

Sony CD copy-protection can be broken with a felt tip pin

Quote of the Day (bras)

When it comes to getting a girl's bra off, British blokes have been exposed as a bunch of fumbling flops who are more likely to bust a finger than finger a ...

Picutre of a speeding duck

caught by an automatic police camera... [IMAGE]

Quote of the Day

Friday, May 17, 2002   (1 post)
"Fidel Castro loves NPR [National Public Radio]. The Palestinians love NPR. This is their network." - Bill O'Reilly, who also suggested NPR would love ...

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly...

This is why WKRP should be required viewing...

Carjackers in Albuquerque are not too bright...

Friday, May 17, 2002   (1 post)
From the AP... ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Albuquerque police have tracked down an accused carjacker from a call he made. Police said a man who had just ...


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