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News of the Day

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News, current events, general weirdness - ripped from today's headlines

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Quote of the Day

Friday, July 26, 2002   (1 post)
"It was an accident." - Clara Harris, charged with murder after she ran over her husband, whom she suspected of cheating, with her Mercedes-Benz.  She ...

"He touched me in a bad place..."

[IMAGE] (and yes, I know, I'm going straight to hell ...

Janet Reno Dance Party

Yes, it's for real... [IMAGE]

Professional Golf at its Finest

John Daly at the British Open... [IMAGE]

Unclear on the Concept

Wednesday, July 17, 2002   (1 post)
According to the AP, a Victoria, British Columbia man returned home Sunday night around midnight to find that someone had stolen the marijuana he was growing ...

Quote of the Day (dreams)

Tuesday, July 16, 2002   (1 post)
"This proves the idea that if you have a dream you can achieve it and you don't have to worry about looking silly" - former Clinton speechwriter John ...

If you ever run into Charles Benoit in Liberty, Missouri, kick him square in the nuts as hard as you can

Wednesday, April 28, 2004   (1 post)
Why?  Because he is a SICK F_CK! (okay, he's not been convicted yet, so he is "allegedly" a SICK F_CK) http:/

And you thought Americans were uptight?

Tuesday, July 16, 2002   (1 post)
The AP reports that city officials in Catania, Sicily have bolted "iron underwear" onto a bronze statue of a stallion in preparation for a religious procession.

Further proof that clowns are evil...

The gayest wedding ever

not that there's anything wrong with that... [IMAGE]

Quote of the Day - What's the worst thing about being stranded in Antarctica?

Friday, July 12, 2002   (1 post)
"Of course it was not very pleasant but it was OK. Towards the end we just had problems finding cigarettes." - Russian Antarctic Expedition member Vladimir ...

Want to be buried with your pet?

Friday, July 12, 2002   (1 post)
There were two stories today about men who wanted to be buried with their dogs. The first story from the AP was about Rick Georges of Arcadia, Florida, who ...

HIV Muppets

Friday, August 21, 2020   (2 posts)
According to Reuters, Sesame Street will soon introduce a new Muppet character who is HIV positive to it's South African viewers.  (No word yet on ...

Picture from the World Wife Carrying Championships

From the World Wife Carrying Championships, in Sonkajärvi, Finland.  And the best part - The winner wins, among other things, his wife's weight in ...

Picture of a naked guy diving over a tennis net at Wimbledon

Tuesday, August 18, 2020   (1 post)
Now THERE'S something you don't see every day... [IMAGE]

Another Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 9, 2002   (1 post)
"If society were bound to invent technologies which could only be used entirely within the law, then we would still be sitting in caves sucking our feet." ...

Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 9, 2002   (1 post)
I am not a new-age freak. I treat people with great care and conscientiousness." - Ulf Buck, a German psychic, explaining how he reads peoples future by ...

Fat Russian Belly-dancers

Personally, I think this is why they lost the cold war... [IMAGE]

Just in time for the 4th...

This is a picture from space of a giant US flag in Lompoc, CA.  It is composed of millions of flowers blooming on over 400,000 larkspur planted by the ...


Wednesday, July 3, 2002   (1 post)
A Pakistani tribal council ordered an 18-year-old girl to be gang-raped in order to punish her family after her brother was seen walking with a girl from a ...

New Invention

A British company is now selling these beer flavored potato chips... ...


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