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Added 1/30/2006
The answer to the last question, for anyone left wondering...
Added 1/2/2005
How did "Auld Lang Syne" come to be associated with New Year's Eve?
Added 12/13/2004
What is the band Steely Dan named after?
Added 11/21/2004
Why do they call Alabama the Crimson Tide?
Added 11/13/2004
What was the name of the street in this photo of the man vs. tank standoff?
Added 11/7/2004
Name all the US presidents who where born in Texas?
Added 10/31/2004
How many active volcanoes are in the United States?
(For the purposes of this question, count only volcanoes that are
"historically active", i.e. volcanoes that have a written ...
Added 10/24/2004
Why was Cherbourg, France named a historic (US) Civil War site?
Added 10/16/2004
What exactly is a "petard"?
Added 8/23/2004
Who invented the coat hanger?
Added 8/7/2004
This week we are going to try something a little different. This week's question is not a trivia question, but more of a philosophical question. There are no "right" answers, but ...
Added 8/1/2004
How often does a "blue moon" occur?
Added 7/25/2004
Name three authors who have reached #1 on the New York Times best-seller
list, for both fiction and non-fiction?
Added 7/18/2004
What country is the oldest republic still in existence today?
Added 7/11/2004
Who provided the voice of Robin on TV's "Superfriends"?
Added 6/28/2004
Who was the state of Maryland named for?
Added 6/20/2004
Why do traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange sometimes wear an
"X" made from duct tape on their clothing?
Added 6/8/2004
How did Chubby Checker get his name?
Added 5/24/2004
Who is the center of the Hollywood universe?
(and no, it is not Kevin Bacon.)
And just to make it interesting, and to keep random guessing
to a minimum, this week your first ...
Added 5/10/2004
Who discovered the "80-20 Rule"?
Added 5/4/2004
Where does the name "tabby" come from?
Added 4/27/2004
What does the "WD" in WD-40 stand for?
Added 4/19/2004
What war established the military career of the man for whom Mount Vernon is named?
Added 4/12/2004
What was the first national anthem?
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