The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  New  :  Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Brick Road

Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton found themselves following the famous Yellow Brick Road, on their way to meet The Wizard. They were all missing just a little something and figured The Wizard could help them. They finally got to meet The Wizard and he asked each of them what they needed.

"Well," Jimmy Carter said, "I could use some courage." "No problem," said The Wizard, and Carter gots his courage, no questions asked.

"What about you, Mr. Reagan?" The Wizard asked. "If I only had a brain," Mr.Reagan replied. Low and behold...Mr. Reagan immediately had his brain.

George Bush was next. "People tell me I could use a heart," he pleaded, and The Wizard granted Mr. Bush his wish.

"Tell me, Mr. Clinton, what do you most want?" asked The Wizard. Without hesitation, Clinton questioned..."So, is Dorothy around?"

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