The Manbottle Library
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Will it ever end

* What do Monica Lewinsky and Soda Pop machines have in common? Answer: They both have slots which say "Insert 'Bill" here."

* What help wanted ad did Monica Lewinsky answer? Answer: Be a White House intern, and get a taste of the Presidency!

* There's a new Bill Clinton computer coming out soon. It will have a six inch hard drive, but no memory.

* Did you hear that when this scandal is over that Monica plans to sell her story? She said she will tell it Blow by Blow.

* What's Monica going to title her memories? "How to suckseed in the Oval Office without really trying!"

* Why does Bill Clinton wear underwear? To keep his ankles warm.

* Why can't they prosecute Bill Clinton? Answer: Monica swallowed the evidence

* Why does Monica Lewinsky have such puffy cheeks? Answer: She's withholding evidence.

* What's the difference between Clinton and a screw driver? Answer: A screw driver turns in screws and Clinton screws interns.

* Why does Monica refuse to play golf with Bill? Answer: Because she's tired of his balls hitting her in the face.

* Bill was recently overheard complimenting Monica's appearance. "She's got the whitest teeth I've ever come across!"

* Bill's nickname for Hillary is, "My little buttercup" His nickname for Monica? "My little suctioncup"

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