The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  New  :  When you get older...

When you get older...

When you get older...

You don't know real embarrassment until your hip sets off a metal detector.

She's getting crows feet around her eyes. And I'll tell you, that crow has big feet!

Let's face it, traveling just isn't as much fun when all the historical sites are younger than you are.

You know you're past your prime when every time you suck in your gut, your ankles swell.

I don't like to do things now that I did 20 years ago-like look in the mirror.

Heck, I don't feel a day older than I did a hundred years ago.

I'm suffering from Mallzheimer's disease. I go to the mall and forget where I parked my car.

Age always corresponds inversely to the size of your multi-vitamin.

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