The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  New  :  Ways to get even

Ways to get even

GARAGE SALE: Place an ad in the classified section of your local newspaper advertising a GIGANTIC Garage Sale listing the address of your victim. Advertise televisions, com-corder, vintage automobile, antiques, etc. Sale begins at 6:00 a.m. Come early!

X-RAYS AT AIRPORTS: Purchase a large adult bedroom toy. Wrap it in a large amount of tin foil. Secretly hide it in a piece of the victims carry on luggage. As it goes through the airport x-ray machine the contents of the device will be shielded by the tin foil and will be unwrapped and inspected by airport security officials.

LOST KEYS: Get a hold of some old useless keys (car, house, etc.). Place victim' s name, phone number and $50.00 reward... if found and returned. Drop the keys in one of the less desirable areas of town.

DOGS: Purchase a silent dog whistle. In the early hours of the morning (2am-4am) go near the victim's house and blow the silent whistle and the dog will begin to bark uncontrollable until the owner awakes and disciplines the animal. When the owner goes back to bed repeat the process again.

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