The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  New  :  Cell Phones  :  ANSWER


Martin Cooper, an engineer with Motorola and inventor of the portable cell phone, placed the first cellular call 30 years ago (April 3rd, 1973). Standing at the corner of 56th and Lexington in Manhattan, he called Joel Engel, a fellow engineer working to develop cell phones for rival company AT&T. (While Motorola was working to develop a handheld cell phone, AT&T's approach was to develop cellular car phones.) The first words spoken were "Joel, I'm calling you from a real cellular phone." Joel was not happy.

You may recall from the answer to the Convoy question ( that one of our readers feared a silly question about cell phones may lead him to discover that God does not exist. In case you were wondering, as a direct result of this question, Allan did in fact prove that God does not exist. You can read his proof here:

WHO GOT IT RIGHT:  Kristy Morgan, Marc Quinlivan, Bob Milligan, Robin Campbell, JP Weigt, Allan Christensen, Matthew Harrington, and David Evans.

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