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The Manbottle Library  :  Humor  :  The Best Chain Letter a Woman Will Ever Get

The Best Chain Letter a Woman Will Ever Get

The Best Chain Letter a Woman Will Ever Get

This chain letter started in the hopes of bringing relief and happiness to tired housewives. It has, however, expanded its usefulness and is benefiting women from all walks of life and profession. No more dull, boring existence for the liberated woman!

Unlike most chain letters, this one does not require money. Simply send a copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally bored. Then bundle up your husband/roommate/lover/boyfriend (or whoever) and send him to the woman whose name is on the top of the list. When your name comes to the top of the list, you will receive 17,178 men, and some of these are dandies. A few even know how to run a dishwasher and vacuum! Have faith and don't break the chain. One woman broke it and got her own husband back.

P.S. At the time this was written, a friend of mine had received 205 men. They buried her yesterday, but it took three undertakers 36 hours to get the smile of her face!

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