Clinton and the hooker
Every morning Bill Clinton takes a jog in his new home town of
Each day he passes a hooker on a particular street corner and, as he
goes by, she shouts out, "fifty dollars ", and he replies, "no, five
This continues for several days. He runs by, she says, "fifty dollars,"
and he says, "no, five dollars! "
One day, Hillary decides that she wants to go jogging with Bill. As they
are approaching the now infamous street corner, Bill suddenly realizes
that the hooker will bark out her $50 offer and that he will have some
explaining to do with the junior Senator.
As they turn the corner, Bill is still in a quandary as to what to do.
Sure enough, there is the hooker. The hooker looks up as Bill and
Hillary jog by and yells to Bill, "See what you get for five dollars? "