The Manbottle Library
The Manbottle Library  :  Humor  :  View by Category  :  Golf  :  Golf 5

Golf 5

A man asks his wife the following questions after a long discussion about her life if he were to die before her.

Husband: "Honey, if I were to die before you, would you remarry?"

Wife: "Well Dear, after a long time I might get lonely, so I think I would."

"Honey, would you let him sleep in our house?"

"Well Dear, I love this house and I know you want me to be happy, so I think I would."

"Honey, would you let him drive my new car?"

"Well Dear, I don't like that little thing, so I think I would."

"Honey, would you take him to the Country Club?"

"Well Dear, you know I love it there, and that's were all my friends are, so I think I would."

"Honey, would you let him use my new Fiberswing golf clubs??"

"Absolutely not, he's a lefty."

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