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Who is Greg Packer?

Curtis Monday, June 16, 2003 at 8:52 PM

In a recent column, Ann Coulter noted the frequency with which Greg Packer was quoted in the New York Times.  One could easily infer that Ann suspected a media conspiracy was afoot...

"It was easy for the [New York] Times to spell [Greg] Packer's name right because he is apparently the entire media's designated 'man on the street' for all articles ever written. He has appeared in news stories more than 100 times as a random member of the public. ... Are all reporters writing their stories from Jayson Blair's house?"

The New York Times, obviously having enough problems already, sent a reporter to interview Packer and set the record straight.  Turns out he is real (well, if you can believe what you read in the Times), he just likes being part of the action. 

He spends literally all his free time turning up at media events in and around New York City, trying to be first in line for anything and everything, and making himself available for comments to the media.  Apparently it's not that difficult to get your comments out there, if your in the right place at the right time.  "Sometimes I just motion to them," he says.

In addition to the New York Times, Greg Packer's quotes have appeared in the Associated Press, the New York Post, the Times of London, the Independent of London, Newsday, National Public Radio, and all the major TV networks.

Well, I suppose everyone needs a hobby.


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