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Why kids think adults are stupid...

Curtis Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 3:02 PM

Variety reports that a proposed 13-episode weekly series, entitled "Ultimate Dodgeball," is getting shopped to various cable networks, with MTV being a likely home for the new series.

Okay, so first we tell kids that they can't play dodgeball because it's too violent, aggressive, competitive, whatever - basically we tell them they can't play it because it is too un-PC.

Then we give them their favorite celebrities playing dodgeball on TV.  

Then we will complain that they watch too much TV, and they should go outside and get some exercise.

Then we will yell at them for emulating their celebrity heroes (which they will) when they go outside and play dodgeball.

I would think we had lost our minds too!

Guest Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 12:31 PM


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