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What color is your death certificate?

Buk Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 4:25 PM

This just in from the "huh?" department...

North Carolina state law requires that death certificates be signed with black or blue-black ink.  Death certificates signed with blue ink are routinely rejected.  Mecklenburg County commissioners are debating a proposal to the state legislature to change this. 

Okay, stay with me, this is where it gets odd.  Originally, they proposed allowing the death certificates to be signed with any color ink.  Then Commissioner Jim Puckett objected, warning of the dangers of signing with highlighters or glitter-ink.  Puckett says those who suggested allowing any ink "obviously didn't have 12-year-old daughters."

I'm not sure which is more disturbing, the thought that doctors in North Carolina fill out their work with glitter-ink, or the thought that they allow their 12-year-old daughters to sign death certificates.


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