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Unclear on the Concept

Curtis Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 5:11 PM

Ernesto Valdez, recently convicted of theft, went to the Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania courthouse to enroll in the "Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition" program, according to a recent AP report.  Being a first-time offender, this program would clear his criminal record.  Unfortunately, Valdez did not have the $685 necessary to enroll in the program.

Being a resourceful fellow, he came up with a solution.  He stole a laptop computer from the courthouse and headed off for the pawn shop.  When the pawn shop refused to take the laptop because its power cord was missing, Valdez simply returned to the courthouse to fetch it - where he was promptly arrested. 

Naturally, the judge rescinded the offer to enroll in the "Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition" program.


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