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Crotch Nuzzling is not assault

Curtis Monday, December 2, 2002 at 3:43 PM

This just in from Sydney Morning Herald...

The Australian Supreme Court has ruled that crotch nuzzling by a dog does not constitute an assault.  Said Justice Barry O'Keefe "When a 'crotch nuzzle' ... is performed by a dog in relation to a human being, it may be no more than a conventional, friendly, social gesture with no hostile intent."

Attorney Clive Steirn had argued that Rocky, the police dog, had assaulted a drug suspect when he nuzzled the man's crotch, saying "If your honor were to ... nuzzle the defendant's genitals, it would be an indecent assault."

The court declined to comment on whether crotch nuzzling as performed by a human being would also be considered a friendly, social gesture.


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