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Haven't you always wanted to do something like this...

Curtis Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 8:49 PM

Matthew Mokanyk, of Traverse City, Michigan, found himself in a legal dispute with his landlord, Powerhouse Gym.  (He was leasing office space from the gym.)  According to AP reports, the court ordered Mokanyk to pay Powerhouse Gym $1,853.87, to cover the cost of carpeting damaged by Mokanyk and his employees.  Well Mokanyk paid all right - in pennies.  185,387 pennies, to be exact.  In case you are wondering, they weighed over a thousand pounds - they had to be unloaded off a truck by forklift.

Curtis Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 8:53 PM

Follow-up...  Norm Schaub, the owner of Powerhouse Gym, didn't really mind receiving payment in pennies -- he is an avid coin collector.


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