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Website Pick - How the Guardian intents to influence the US election

Guest Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 7:59 PM

I don't know who they are for or against, as the website is
blocked, but the UK has been an invaluable ally, having fought
both WWII and the Cold War against dictators who totally
dominate their peoples, committing atrocities -- and invading
neighboring countries for their oil, minerals and labor --just
as Saddam has done.

Charlie Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 7:26 AM

Right on!  Our freedom from domination is exemplified by our system of The Electoral College and our very own Gestapo...I mean Department of Homeland Security!...Hm, wait a sec...

Ok ok, I got it!  We've stopped other terrible governments from killing local natives!  I bet we were just in time to stop him from giving them blankets that were infected with smallpox and, this aint working either.

Ok ok, even better!  We've prevented the invasion of foreign countries to protect our oil supply and keep..prices of,

We're gonna get that bastard Osama Bin Laden

Hmmm...I'm having some trouble here...someone lend me a hand?

Guest Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 12:28 PM

Calm down, Charlie. Have another beer. 

Guest Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 5:10 PM

Now, I'm not a big fan of politicians, but I'm even less of a fan of people who turn a blind eye to the facts in order to further their ideas.

Under Saddam Iraqis had not even the benefit of the somewhat outdated electoral college. Nor term limits, nor the ability to speak against their government. Entire families were raped, tortured, beaten, and burried in the desert as if they never existed. He would do that to you and me if you let him - I don't care if it would have taken the bastard 50 years, I don't want him at the head of any military. In the USA, the power of public review means that if enough people don't like something, it can be changed - even the DHS. I understand the reference to Gestapo - some aspects could be viewed as a move in that direction - but isn't it nice that you can actually say something about it?

So some evil Americans did some terrible things to natives - and that makes it okay for Saddam to murder more than 150,000 people? Nobody today (with a brain anyway) is saying that native Americans weren't mistreated - but Saddam would have done it all over again given the chance.

The fact is that partisan politics force people to subscribe to one way of thinking or another - us or them, left or right - and discourage people from looking at the facts and deciding for themselves. Supporters of a particular issue identify with a side and feel the need to adopt that way of thinking. If you support low taxes, you must be a conservative, so you must support gay marriage bans. If you are pro-choice, you must be liberal, so you must also be for gun control.

What about we all start thinking for ourselves and fire all the damn politicians who are prone to become corrupt or to act more in the interests of their agendas than the people they are supposed to represent? I read a story once - can't remember who it was by - about a society that picked the president at RANDOM. I think it's a great idea - career politicians are the last people we want leading our country.

(Rant off)


Guest Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 7:00 PM

Agreed in all aspects, JT.  I think Constitutional amendments
would be in order---to limit terms of the Congress, as we did
the presidency, in order to eliminate professional politicians,
and perhaps even the federal judiciary, with staggered terms.

By the way, I finally got into the Guardian website.  Do you
suppose they are biased?

Charlie Monday, November 1, 2004 at 9:00 AM

Yo Mr. Guest...I definitely think more beer in in order :)

And ya know JT, I can wholeheartedly agree with you on some of your points, but you're also talking yourself into a corner.  Turning a blind eye to the facts?  C'mon amigo, think about that.  AFGANISTAN attacks us and we attack Iraq???  And don't give me any bull about WMDs and Saddam being a threat.  Osama was the bigger threat. 
You wanna look at facts?  Lets see...we invade a country who supplies quite a bit of oil to the world...and WHERE does the Bush family make alot of money?  Hmmm..lemme think...OIL?!?!?!?!

As for Saddam killing people...well ya know, its regretable and obviously not a nice thing to do, but who made us the World Police? 
The US constantly sticks its nose in places where it don't belong and we get nailed for it later.  Can you remember who put Osama and Al Qaida in power?  And look how they thanked us.

The whole war in Iraq wasn't to "protect the country".  It wasn't to save Iraq.  It was for money.

Now, I am ALL OVER the ending of career politicians.  If I was just a tad older, I would have run for president just to make a point.  We need someone like you or me and any of us who really care about our country, and not the money.  I'd lOVE to see a random presidency.  It'd be better than any of the shlubs we've been getting. 

But heres the real kicker.  The Electoral college is FAR from "somewhat outdated".  It IS outdated.  WOEFULLY outdated.  We could easily be using a simple computer system to have a TRUE "One man/one vote" system.  But guess what, unless there is SERIOUS change in this country, it will never happen, simply because the career politicians have us all by the cojones.  They control if that system stays or not, and simply put, it will stay because it is in their best interest to keep it.  They want the power and the public sheep give it to them.

It sounds scary, but I think we've been steadily moving towards a nice dictatorship of our own. 
And I hate to say it, but I think we should stay out of other countries problems until we fix our own.

American Saturday, December 4, 2004 at 7:24 PM


Guest Tuesday, December 7, 2004 at 4:31 PM

moving where? Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 5:09 AM

Guest Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 9:15 AM

Thank you very much for the sharing.


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