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Pumpkin Cannon

Buk Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 3:28 PM

According to USA Today, Jim Bristoe of Noblesville, Indiana has built a 30 foot cannon capable of firing a pumpkin five miles. 

I'm not sure what one would ordinarily do with a five mile range pumpkin cannon, but in a demonstration last week he accidentally fired a pumpkin through the back of a Pontiac.

Guest Friday, November 8, 2002 at 8:30 PM

Well let me start off by saying that shooting the Pontiac was no accident, he was using it as a back stop.  And as far as what one would do with a pumkin cannon after working with and coming to know Jim all I can say is you'd just have to know him, doing things like this are what makes Jim, Jim.  In some ways most of us would benifit from being more like Jim in that if he has an idea he follows throu with it regardless of how crazy every one around him thinks he is.

Buk Monday, November 11, 2002 at 9:31 PM

Just so no one misunderstands - I think a cannon that can shoot a pumpkin five miles is a really cool thing.  Not particularly useful, at least not for anything I can think of, but really cool nonetheless.


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